Heaven Changes Everything | The God Story
Colossians 3:1-4
You ____________________ appear with Him in glory.
New testament writers did not ____________________ the resurrection.
The ____________________ invented the new testament writers.
John 14:19
Colossians 3:5-9
These words were written to Jesus’ ____________________.
God’s story is ____________________ focused on Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
Strong Language:
V. 5. Put to ____________________
V. 6. The ____________________ of God is coming
V.7. ____________________ yourself
Hebrews 10:31 Hebrews 9:27
Colossians 3:10-11
“Lord, help me become what you ____________________ me to be.”
V.1. Set your ____________________ on things above.
V.2. Set your ____________________ on things above.
Colossians 3:12-17
The eyewitnesses saw in Jesus what Paul called in v. 10: “The image of the
The life ____________________ out of a ____________________ and ____________________ that understands Heaven changes everything.
The resurrection means we are never ____________________.