Ash Wednesday 2025
Lent is not about what you DO but what Jesus has DONE and is STILL DOING.
Do you ever feel DISCONNECTED as if you’re a DIFFERENT person here than you are elsewhere?
Jesus is working to RECONNECT all of us to HIMSELF and to EACH OTHER.
God’s Law CONVICTS and GUIDES according to the Holy Spirit and our own SPIRITUAL condition.
We LEARN how to live by WATCHING others.
Stanley Hauerwas: “GOOD people help keep each other GOOD.”
Martin Luther: “Christ’s baptism is your baptism, and your baptism Christ’s baptism, and in the end there is only one baptism.”
We don’t get what we DESERVE, but what Jesus DELIVERS.
Martin Luther: “Sin, death, devil, and hell had taken us captive; but Christ has in turn taken them captive… He takes my captivity captive, intercepts my hangman, eliminates my sins, exterminates my death, damns my hell.”
Thomas Winger: “As a servant himself, Christ devotes all his energy to the growth of his body. The end result is a vitality of life that shows itself not in disunity, but in love. ‘In love’ qualifies not just a way of speaking, but a way of believing, confessing, and acting.”
How can we STRENGTHEN our faith for the days ahead?
Recommendation: Don’t GIVE UP something you love for Lent—SHARE it.
You were MADE from dust, and to dust you will RETURN, but Jesus will RAISE this dust to everlasting life.
This Dust by Kip Fox
Death is all around us
We are not afraid
Written is the story
Empty is the grave
Verses referenced: Ephesians 4:1-16; 1 Corinthians 12:26-27; 1 Thessalonians 4:13; 1 Corinthians 15:20-23; Romans 6:3-4; Matthew 3:17; Luke 6:38; Ephesians 3:20; Matthew 11:28; Acts 2:46-47; Hebrews 10:24-25; Romans 8:18