A New Voice | Voices
Joe Casiglia   -  

Voices: “A new voice”
2 Chronicles 34
If you don’t BREAK it, you’ll PASS it.
Josiah’s story reminds us how GOD WORKDS in SITUATIONS and FAMILIES that look HOPELESS to us.
Four specific CHANGES that Josiah made in his life:
2 Chronicles 34
v.1 “Josiah was eight years old when he become king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years. He did what was right in the eyes of the lord and walked in the ways of his FATHER DAVID.”
First, Josiah very intentionally finds a NEW ROLE MODEL.
Jesus really can CREATE something NEW in your life and family that HASN’T EXISTED before.
One of the greatest ministries that you may ever have is simply BEING AVAILABLE, and allowing someone to get on the INSIDE of your life.
This is where DISCIPLESHIP happens.

v.3 “In his twelfth year he began to PURGE Judah and Jerusalem of high places, Ashram poles and cast images.”


Second, the next thing we see Josiah doing is PURGING the land.
Just as you want to start listening to a NEW voice, there are also some voices you need to STOP listening to.
Third, Josiah SURROUNDED HIMSELF with other PEOPLE who also had a RELATIONSHIP with God and who were ALSO FOLLOWING GOD with their life.
Finally, Josiah decided that the SCRIPTURES would be the STANDARD for his life.
Find a passage of Scripture that deal SPECIFICALLY with whatever the old voice is, and then commit that specific Scripture to MEMORY.