Invincible Light | Let There Be Light
“Let There Be Light” | Invincible Light
John 1:1–5
What is “invincible”?
John chapter 1
Verse 5… light is invincible over darkness
In Genesis 1, verses 3-5 God created physical light
What about light and darkness from a spiritual perspective?
“darkness” = sin, this sinful world, Satan and demons
“light” = Jesus
Jesus became a human being and came to shine into the dark
world as a light. Jesus came to rescue us from darkness
(like an invincible superhero)
Why is light invincible?
Verse 4: The Light that shines in the darkness / Jesus is also life.
Life depends on light. Light is alive and the power behind all life.
Verse 3: the Light / Jesus is The Creator of all.
Verses 2 & 1: The light is God Almighty / invincible Lord. He
cannot be overcome or over powered by anything or anyone.
The Nicene Creed speaks the truth of Jesus being invincible light
The end of history will bring the ultimate victory of The Invincible Light