Invitation | Disciples Who Make Disciples
Joe Casiglia   -  

Disciples Who Make Disciples
Mark 1:14-19, Luke 5:1-11
“Come follow Me and I will MAKE you…” Mark 1:17
Mark 1:14-19 pg. 1,552
v.15 “The TIME has come, the kingdom of God is NEAR. REPENT and BELIEVE the GOOD news!”
What has the ATTENTION of my HEART?
LOOKING for it doesn’t put it there, looking for it ENSURES when it’s there, you’ll SEE it.
v.17 “Come follow Me and I will MAKE you FISHERS of MEN.”
Jesus ACCOMPLISHED in their lives exactly WHAT He PROMISED them He was going to accomplish.
You read the Gospels and you realize, this wasn’t NATURAL for any of them.
Jesus’ goal for you is to FOLLOW and DO in the lives of OTHERS what some one has done in YOUR life.
You became a follower of Jesus because you needed God to DO something, FIX something or HEAL something.
Luke 5:1-11   pg. 1,598
v.5 “Peter answered, Master (Jesus) we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because YOU SAY so, I will let down the nets.”
v.6 “When they had DONE so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.”
They followed Jesus because of what He did for them. That’s where EVERYBODY starts.
The call to be a disciple who makes more disciples, is the call to MEANING, the call to SIGNIFICANCE and the call to PURPOSE.
There is someone who will listen to YOU, who won’t listen to ME.