It’s Me, Hi | Invisible Made Visible
“It’s Me, Hi”
What’s wrong with our world?
Genesis 1
Human beings are made in the IMAGE of God.
To diagnose what’s wrong we have to first know what’s not RIGHT.
Genesis 3:1-5
The enemy gives us DISTORTED views that produce DISORDERED desires.
Two predominant distorted views:
The SINFUL self and the AUTHENTIC self
We can’t love our neighbors as ourselves without KNOWING ourselves.
Colossians 1:15-20
Jesus UNDOES your distorted views and disordered desires.
Jesus makes VISIBLE a better way:
Shifting your VIEW to the image of God.
Submitting your DESIRES to the way of Jesus.
Two Way to Practice This:
Affirmation (Undoing distorted views)
Saying “no” to something you want (Undoing disordered desires)