It’s Not Too Late | Voices
Joe Casiglia   -  

It’s Not Too Late 

It’s too LATE for me….
An incorrect way of thinking: GOD thinks about ME, what I think about ME.
We LIVE as if God takes His cue ABOUT us FROM us.
Your Heavenly Father has a FUTURE for you, regardless of what you’ve DONE.
1 Samuel 16:6-13
v.7 “The Lord does not look at the things PEOPLE look at.”
The very thing you think is an OBSTACLE to God working through you, may be the very thing God wants to USE in you.
v.7 “Man, looks at the OUTWARD appearance, but the Lord looks at the HEART.”
What you DID YESTERDAY is of far LESS concern to God than where your HEART is TODAY.
God’s main activity in our world is to REDEEM and RESTORE.
One of your enemy’s greatest WEAPONS is to get you to BELIEVE that your PAST is filled with OBSTACLES that prevent God from working in your FUTURE.
The only thing YOUR PAST is full of are places to SEE your Heavenly Father at work, REDEEMING and RESTORING your FUTURE, through your Savior, Jesus.
v13 “So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and form that day on the SPIRIT of the LORD came on David in POWER.”
In the moment that JESUS DIED on the cross for your SIN; your sin became far less of an issue to God than the condition of your HEART.
Because in that moment, the condition of YOUR HEART was CHANGED by the LOVE in HIS.