Noise Reduction | Voices
Joe Casiglia   -  

Voices: “Noise Reduction”
2 Chronicles 18
Isn’t it true that at some point in life you got advice you wish you HADN’T heard?
2 Chronicles 18:1-27   pg. 697
v.1 “Jehoshaphat had great wealth and honor and he ALLIED himself with Ahab by marriage.”
Anytime you are in an alliance with someone, they gain LEVERAGE in your life.
v.4 “But Jehoshaphat also said to the king of Israel, ‘First SEEK the COUNCIL of the Lord.”
Have you PRAYED about this?
v.6 “But Jehoshaphat asked, Is there no longer a PROPHET of the LORD here whom we can inquire of?”
v.13 “But Micaiah said, As surely as the Lord lives, I can tell him ONLY what my God SAYS.”
We already know the voice of the CROWD is not the voice to LISTEN to.
WHOSE voice are you listening too?
Are they people who the Scriptures would call WISE?
This is another reason we want to help get you into a SMALL GROUP.
“Anyone who has ears to hear, let them hear.”  -Jesus
Questions for Discussion:
1.    What is the worst piece of advice that you ever received and acted on?
2.   What is the best piece of advice that you received and you regret not acting on?
3.   What are the different voices that are trying to get your attention right now?
4.  What voice do you need to turn down? What voice do you need to turn up?