Undiluted | FOR
Joe Casiglia   -  

James 1:27

Why does OUR church do this, and why should EVERY church do this?

Everybody in America thinks something when they hear the word, CHURCH.

God’s extravagant generosity towards US compels us to be extravagantly generous towards OTHERS.

“If you DO GOOD to those who are good to YOU, what CREDIT is that to you? Even SINNERS do that.” – Luke 6:33

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have LOVED YOU, so you are to LOVE one ANOTHER. By this EVERYONE will know that you are my DISCIPLES.” -John 13:34-35

James 1:27 (pg. 1,881)

v.27 “RELIGION that God our Father ACCEPTS as PURE and FAULTLESS is this:

To look after ORPHANS and WIDOWS in their DISTRESS and to keep ONESELF from being POLLUTED by the world.”

If religion for you is about ATTENDANCE and some sort of ROUTINE.

Eventually you’ll become CYNICAL and you’ll become CRITICAL.

Church is more than SERMONS and SONGS.

God honoring religion ALLEVIATES distress and AVOIDS the behaviors that create it.

God honoring religion requires two things, SELFLESSNESS and SELF-CONTROL.

At the center of the Gospel is not the fact that God BELIEVED something, but that God DID something.