Where to Start? | The God Story
Joe Casiglia   -  

The book of Genesis tells us HOW God decided to bring a REDEEMER into the world.

God decided to work WITHIN the UNDERSTANDING of humanity at that TIME.

Genesis 12:1-5 (pg. 17)

v.1 “The Lord said to Abram, GO from your COUNTRY, your PEOPLE, and your father’s HOUSEHOLD to the land I will show you.”

v.2 “I will make you into a GREAT NATION, and I will bless you. I will make your NAME GREAT, and you will be a blessing.”

v.3 “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and ALL PEOPLES on earth will be BLESSED THROUGH you.”

The second person and second word in The God Story: ABRAHAM and PROMISE.

“When the SET TIME had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, burn under the law, to REDEEM those under the law, that WE might receive adoption as God’s children.” Galatians 4:4-5

God makes ABRAHAM an EXAMPLE for all of us, about how He wants to establish a RELATIONSHIP with humanity, and each of us INDIVIDUALLY.

God didn’t start a RELATIONSHIP with COMMANDMENTS, He started with PROMISES.

Genesis 15:1-6 (pg. 20)

v.1 “After this, the word of the Lord came to Abraham in a vision: Do not be afraid, Abraham, I am your SHIELD, your very great REWARD.”

In the next verse, God defines the terms of RELATIONSHIP between HIMSELF and HUMANITY.

v.6 “Abram BELIEVED the Lord, and God CREDITED it to Abraham as RIGHTEOUSNESS.”

4,000 years ago, the way to have a RELATIONSHIP with God was ESTABLISHED, and it’s STILL the way to have a RELATIONSHIP with God because God DOES NOT CHANGE.

“What must a person do to do the WORKS God REQUIRES? Jesus answered, The work of God is this: To BELIEVE IN the one He has sent.” John 6:28-29