In Person Gatherings

What to Expect

If you’re anything like us, the idea of church reopening brings a wide array of emotions ranging from excitement to anxiety.

Based on the information provided to us by government and health experts, we believe we can safely return to worship as long as social distancing measures are taken into account.

Our worship center can fit around 1400 people and we intend to open at 50% capacity between two services (Sundays at 9:15 and 11:00 AM).

Social Distancing

When you arrive, our hospitality team will greet you with a smile (under a mask). We'll even help you find a seat! Seating will be based on a two row buffer with three seats between you and those who do not live in the same home.

Each row will be labeled with green or pink tape. People at our 9:15am service will sit in pink rows and those at the 11:00am service will sit in the green rows.

This allows us to make sure that nobody will have to sit in a seat that has been used by somebody else and guarantee over 6ft of distance between those around you.


We have deep cleaned our entire building and will do so every weekend to ensure that our space is properly disinfected. In addition to maintaining distance throughout the service, we’ll have hand sanitizer in the lobbies. We are encouraging all of those in attendance to wear a mask. If you don't have one we will have masks and gloves available for you.

In order to err on the side of caution, we will not have bulletins, coffee, or bibles in the seat-backs.

As always, if you’re sick or have been around somebody who is sick, we’d ask that you stay home and watch our Faith Troy at Home service.

Offering + Communion

We will not be passing an offering basket during our services. We'd ask that you continue to give online. If you prefer donating in person, we will have offering baskets at the door.

On communion weekends (1st and 3rd Sundays) we'll be utilizing pre-packaged communion elements. We'll distribute communion as you enter the worship center and will take communion collectively from our seats after the message.

Online Services

We believe that our online service is a big part of our future. Faith Troy at Home will continue once we resume our in person gatherings.

We're working toward having our full service streamed online so that you are able to experience the same thing whether you're in person or at home.

Kids Ministry

As we re-open, we want to do our best to make sure that everything goes smoothly and that people stay as safe as possible.

We don’t currently see a way to have our children’s ministry programs while maintaining social distancing so we’d ask that you bring your kids to church with you.